


Cross-Organizational Services of the Central Library and Information Center

Being more than 65 years old and having considerable scientific history and facilities, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad is one of the most valid universities of Iran and scientific pole of North and North-East of the country. As the main in charge of preparing educational and research resources, the central library and information center has a strategic importance.

The central library and information center of this university has a special position in the region in the vein of providing services and meeting informational needs. Currently, in addition to providing service to members, this library carries out services in the vein of inter-library and inter-university cooperation in province, region and the country. In addition to providing inter-library services based on the Amin Document Delivery and Ghadir Inter-Library Lending projects, this library provides some services to other organizations based on approved bylaws.


Animated-Bullet-DiamondBlueDark  The Inter-Library Sharing Contract of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad with Other Organizations

Animated-Bullet-DiamondBlueDark  The Electronic Resources Supply Contract


