






Name and Last Name:  Faegheh Farahmandyar

 Post : In charge of systems supporting

 Employment Type: Official

Serving Location UnitThe central library and information center of Ferdowsi university of Mashhad

The Unit Name: Systems supporting

The Direct In Charge: Zohreh Abbasi


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  • Providing consultations on technical and supporting affairs
  • Controlling and supervising purchasing computer equipment
  • Repairing and supporting computer equipment of the central library and information center
  • Leading and supervising the execution of programs and operation of working computers
  • Supervising the performance of local and long-distance communicative equipment (VOIP telephones, POSE, FAX, WIDI, etc)
  • Taking care of the correct performance of facilities existing in the environment where the computers are, such as electricity, heat, moisture, etc based on the determined regulations.
  • Installing and setting up servers and inputting data based on the concerned instructions and delivering it to the related officials after the operation cessation.
  • Controlling the tasks qualitatively and quantitatively for optimal doing of affairs and promoting labor efficiency
  • Performing backup of information bases and softwares related to server computers
  • Supervising on how the Data Center room is prepared and perform it based on the existing standards
  • Supervising the correct performance of cooling and UPS systems of the Data Center room
  • Identifying needs of hardware and software systems and how to use them
  • Making required programs for obtaining systems performance report and checking continuously for improving their efficiency
  • Communicating with other computer centers inside the university in order to know scientific and technical progresses on fundamental softwares and hardwares and utilizing them if needed to.
  • Cooperating with network experts, analyzers and designers of the university’s computer center to create facilities for utilizing intended systems and satisfying users.
  • Cooperating in removing the probable problems happens during scientific use of programs
  • Feasibility studying and designing networks of the needed computers regarding the users’ number, data volume and connecting points
  • Controlling and managing the network users and defining access levels of each of the working stations, setting network card, IPs, etc.
  • Troubleshooting and removing fault within the communicative network
  • Carrying out other duties